Monday 2 February 2009


So, Urban Gaps came out of a random thought that I had a year or so ago as I was walking through a really shitty part of Camden in North London. There were all these horrible broken iron railings around where some nice houses used to beand a railway arch that was filled with
pigeons, dirt and a wasted space. Unfortunately I then had to walk under the pigeon bridge in fear of getting poo-splashed and I started thinking about all of these spaces that are around us that are neglected for one reson or another.

They get to be unloved, because they are usually transient spaces, that are only owned by a Council and because they serve a functional purpose, they sort of get ignored. So I thought that it would be nice to maybe start some small scale experimental projects to help reinstate
a little bit of interest and care into these spaces. The experiments are meant to be temporary, and I will document what I get up to on this blog.

As ever, answers on a postcard.

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